Thursday, 30 May 2013

Few Imporatant Factor of On Page Search Engine Optimization


URL renaming/re-writing :-

URL rewrite helps one to increase the visibility of their site by making url understandable in human language which are highly recommended by search engines as well.

Let’s Say an example :- This is a URL : -
This is wrong, we should rename the URL as relevant to our title and avoid numeric digits as this reflects bad results to user.
The Correct URL is

You can also add at least one keyword in Url (If possible) because when you hit any keyword in search engine it also bring that URLs in SERP that consist keyword.

Duplicate content :-

Duplicate content is a term used in the field of search engine optimization to describe content that appears on more than one web page. The duplicate content can be substantial parts of the content within or across domains and can be either exactly duplicate or closely similar. When multiple pages within a web site contain essentially the same content, search engines such as Google can penalize or cease displaying that site in any relevant search results.
H1, H2, H3 Tags :-

H Tags Optimization (Eg: H1, H2, H3),  An important part of SEO, which helps you to make the robots understand that what is more important in your website and what is less.

Anchor Text :-

The anchor text used to create hyperlinks of your website always helps you to rank better for those anchor texts, so try to use keywords as your anchor text to create links, internal or external. Using keyword in your anchor text must be user friendly (not spamming). You can also use Call to Action i.e., Click Here, Just Visit this Website, Click Here for Instant Access.
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Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Image Optimization - Important Points must Keep in Mind


1. Change the name of image (never use numbers like image1 or image2) as it is relevant to Tittle or Post. Don’t drag the image so much that it loss its original shape just drag it from corner arrow of the image as it maintain height and width automatically.

2. Take the image from copyright free sites or  use sites which are offering free images or Creative Commons material like Flickr, Photo Bucket, , Pixabay, Stock.xchng and so on. You must acknowledge the website/webpage as the photo source from where you take the pics.

(Remove the Under Lined from the Link, See Point – 4) For Example , take images from this Search :

Means Attribution License

Images uploaded under this license are best to use for your blog or site. You can modify these images and use it in any form you like. All you need to do is provide a proper credit and linkback to original owner.

3.  Find Creative Commons Images in Google Image Search
Here is Link –

4.  Creating a link without an underline in HTML :-
All browsers that support style’s will allow users to remove all underlines on their page by entering the below code within the <head></head> tags your HTML.
<a href="” style="text-decoration: none">abc</a>

5.  While Adding a Image Put there alt tag, Title tag and a Hyperlink that you want to optimized
 For Example : - <a href=""><img src=""  alt="Best SEO Company" width="85" height="74" title="Best SEO Company"></a>
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Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Meta Title, Keywords and Description for Websites and Webpages


Meta Description Tags Optimization : -

Your Meta tags help you to rank better but you must also know that how to manage them as there are some limitation and rules that you must follow to get maximum benefits from it.  Snip text of two lines which appears on SERP when User hit any keywords in Search Box of Search Engine is called Meta Description. Meta description should not more than 159 Characters.

For Example :-
<meta name="description" content=" We help you to Send best corporate gifts anywhere in India. Order flowers and Gifts through our website and enjoy our online gifts delivery service." />

Meta Keywords Tags Optimization :-

Just Like Meta Description tags Meta Keywords tag is also important most of the people thinks that it does not help in any way but it really does. 

For Example :-
<meta name="keywords" content=" Occasions Gifts, Birthday Gifts, Anniversary Gifts, New Year, Christmas, Valentines Day Gifts, Send Flowers and Gifts to India " />

Title Tag Optimization :-

A title is most important tag, a good not only attracts the users but also the search bots. Title should be relevant to Article of the webpage. You can place a keyword in your title . Don’t place more than one keywords in your title because when you do same Search Engine will consider this a SPAM and may your website will penalize. Placing more than one keywords in your Title seems to a BLACK HAT SEO Trick. Title of website or any webpage should not more than 59 Characters.

For Example : -
<title>Gifts to India - Corporate Gifts Delivery and Corporate Gifts Ideas </title>
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Sunday, 5 May 2013

Major Search Engines


Voted four times Most Outstanding Search Engine by Search Engine Watch readers, Google has a well-deserved reputation as the top choice for those searching the web. The crawler-based service provides both comprehensive coverage of the web along with great relevancy. It's highly recommended as a first stop in your hunt for whatever you are looking for.

Google provides the option to find more than web pages, however. Using on the top of the search box on the Google home page, you can easily seek out images from across the web, discussions that are taking place on Usenet newsgroups, locate news information or perform product searching. Using the More link provides access to human-compiled information from the Open Directory (see below), catalog searching and other services.

Google is also known for the wide range of features it offers, such as cached links that let you "resurrect" dead pages or see older versions of recently changed ones. It offers excellent spell checking, easy access to dictionary definitions, integration of stock quotes, street maps, telephone numbers and more. See Google's help page for an entire rundown on some of these features. The Google Toolbar has also won a popular following for the easy access it provides to Google and its features directly from the Internet Explorer browser.

In addition to Google's unpaid editorial results, the company also operates its own advertising programs. The cost-per-click AdWords program places ads on Google as well as some of Google's partners. Similarly, Google is also a provider of unpaid editorial results to some other search engines. For a list of major partnerships, see the Search Providers Chart.
Google was originally a Stanford University project by students Larry Page and Sergey Brin called BackRub. By 1998, the name had been changed to Google, and the project jumped off campus and became the private company Google. It remains privately held today.


Launched in 1994, Yahoo is the web's oldest "directory," a place where human editors organize web sites into categories. However, in October 2002, Yahoo made a giant shift to crawler-based listings for its main results. These came from Google until February 2004. Now, Yahoo uses its own search technology. Learn more in this recent review from our SearchDay newsletter, which also provides some updated submission details.

In addition to excellent search results, you can use tabs above the search box on the Yahoo home page to seek images, Yellow Page listings or use Yahoo's excellent shopping search engine. Or visit the Yahoo Search home page, where even more specialized search options are offered.
The Yahoo Directory still survives. You'll notice "category" links below some of the sites lists in response to a keyword search. When offered, these will take you to a list of web sites that have been reviewed and approved by a human editor.
It's also possible to do a pure search of just the human-compiled Yahoo Directory, which is how the old or "classic" Yahoo used to work. To do this, search from the Yahoo Directory home page, as opposed to the regular home page. Then you'll get both directory category links ("Related Directory Categories") and "Directory Results," which are the top web site matches drawn from all categories of the Yahoo Directory.


Ask Jeeves initially gained fame in 1998 and 1999 as being the "natural language" search engine that let you search by asking questions and responded with what seemed to be the right answer to everything.

In reality, technology wasn't what made Ask Jeeves perform so well. Behind the scenes, the company at one point had about 100 editors who monitored search logs. They then went out onto the web and located what seemed to be the best sites to match the most popular queries.
In 1999, Ask acquired Direct Hit, which had developed the world's first "click popularity" search technology. Then, in 2001, Ask acquired Teoma's unique index and search relevancy technology. Teoma was based upon the clustering concept of subject-specific popularity.
Today, Ask depends on crawler-based technology to provide results to its users. These results come from the Teoma algorithm, now known as ExpertRank.

Powered by Yahoo, you may find AllTheWeb a lighter, more customizable and pleasant "pure search" experience than you get at Yahoo itself. The focus is on web search, but news, picture, video, MP3 and FTP search are also offered. was previously owned by a company called FAST and used as a showcase for that company's web search technology. That's why you sometimes may sometimes hear also referred to as FAST or FAST Search. However, the search engine was purchased by search provider Overture late April 2003, then later become Yahoo's property when Yahoo bought Overture. It no longer has a connection with FAST.

AOL Search (internal)

AOL Search provides users with editorial listings that come Google's crawler-based index. Indeed, the same search on Google and AOL Search will come up with very similar matches. So, why would you use AOL Search? Primarily because you are an AOL user. The "internal" version of AOL Search provides links to content only available within the AOL online service. In this way, you can search AOL and the entire web at the same time. The "external" version lacks these links. Why wouldn't you use AOL Search? If you like Google, many of Google's features such as "cached" pages are not offered by AOL Search.


HotBot provides easy access to the web's three major crawler-based search engines: Yahoo, Google and Teoma. Unlike a meta search engine, it cannot blend the results from all of these crawlers together. Nevertheless, it's a fast, easy way to get different web search "opinions" in one place.
HotBot's "choose a search engine" interface was introduced in December 2002. However, HotBot has a long history as a search brand before this date.

HotBot debuted in May 1996, it gained a strong following among serious searchers for the quality and comprehensiveness of its crawler-based results, which were provided by Inktomi, at the time. It also caught the attention of experienced web users and techies, especially for the unusual colors and interface it continues to sport today.

HotBot gained more notoriety when it switched over to using Direct Hit's "clickthrough" results for its main listings in 1999. Direct Hit was then one of the "hot" search engines that had recently appeared. Unfortunately, the quality of Direct Hit's results couldn't match those of another "hot" player that had debuted at the same time, Google. HotBot's popularity began to drop.

Even worse, HotBot also suffered by being owned by Lycos (now Terra Lycos). Lycos had acquired HotBot when it purchased Wired Digital in October 1998. Lycos failed to make search a priority on its flagship Lycos site as well as HotBot through much of 1999 and 2000, as it focused instead on adding "portal" features. The company refocused on search in late 2001, making significant improvements to the Lycos site and, as noted, reworked the HotBot site at the end of 2002.


AltaVista opened in December 1995 and for several years was the "Google" of its day, in terms of providing relevant results and having a loyal group of users that loved the service.
Sadly, an attempt to turn AltaVista into a portal site in 1998 saw the company lose track of the importance of search. Over time, relevancy dropped, as did the freshness of AltaVista's listings and the crawler's coverage of the web.

Today, AltaVista is once again focused on search. Results come from Yahoo, and tabs above the search box let you go beyond web search to find images, MP3/Audio, Video, human category listings and news results. If you want a lighter-feel than Yahoo but to still have Yahoo's results, AltaVista is worth considering.

AltaVista was originally owned by Digital, then taken over by Compaq, when that company purchased Digital in 1998. AltaVista was later spun off into a private company, controlled by CMGI. Overture purchasing the search engine in April 2003, then it later became part of Yahoo when Yahoo bought Overture.


Compared to Google, Yahoo or even Teoma, Gigablast has a tiny index of the web. However, the service is constantly gaining new and interesting features. Give it a whirl, if you want to try something experimental yet dependable. Read more about Gigablast in this recent interview from our SearchDay newsletter.

Live Search

Live Search (formerly Windows Live Search) is the name of Microsoft's web search engine, successor to MSN Search, designed to compete with the industry leaders Google and Yahoo. The search engine offers some innovative features, such as the ability to view additional search results on the same web page (instead of needing to click through to subsequent search result pages) and the ability to adjust the amount of information displayed for each search-result (i.e. just the title, a short summary, or a longer summary). It also allows the user to save searches and see them updated automatically on

The service was previously powered by LookSmart results and gained top marks for having its own team of editors that monitored the most popular searches being performed to hand-pick sites believed to be the most relevant. The system worked well.


Lycos is one of the oldest search engines on the web, launched in 1994. It ceased crawling the web for its own listings in April 1999 and instead provides access to human-powered results from LookSmart for popular queries and crawler-based results from Yahoo for others.

"Fast Forward" lets you see search results in one side of your screen and the actual pages listed in another. Relevant categories of human-compiled information from the Open Directory appear at the bottom of the search results page.
Lycos is owned by Terra Lycos, a company formed with Lycos and Terra Networks merged in October 2000. Terra Lycos also owns the HotBot search engine described above.

Netscape Search

Owned by AOL Time Warner, Netscape Search uses Google for its main listings, just as does AOL's other major search site, AOL Search. So why use Netscape Search rather than Google? Unlike with AOL Search, there's no compelling reason to consider it. The main difference between Netscape Search and Google is that Netscape Search will list some of Netscape's own content at the top of its results. Netscape also has a completely different look and feel than Google. If you like either of these reasons, then try Netscape Search. Otherwise, you're probably better off just searching at Google.
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How to Connect your facebook page with twitter


Hello Friends, In this post I will tell you how to Connect your facebook page with twitter. Integrating your Facebook fan page with your twitter account allows you to share anything with your fans and followers from one place only.

You can share everything like status updates, links, photos, notes and events with your followers on Twitter directly from your Facebook page or you can choose the kinds of things you want to share both on Twitter and Facebook. On your Twitter Profile You'll notice it's shortened and includes a link that takes you back to the original status update over at Facebook.

Here I have mentioned few steps that would be very benifial for you :-

Step 1: Login to Facebook

Step 2: Edit Your Fan Page

Go to your fan page on Facebook and click the "Edit Page" button on the top right (you need to be logged into an account that is an admin for the page you want to work with to see this button).

Step 3: Go to the "Resources" Link

Next look for the "Resources" link and click on it.

Step 4: Find the Twitter Option

Next scroll down to find "Link your Page to Twitter" and click the link.

Step 5: Choose the Fan Page You Want to Link

If you admin more than one fan page you'll see them listed here.  Scroll to find the one you want to link and click the "Link to Twitter" button directly across from it.

Step 6: Give Permissions

If you aren't already logged into Twitter, you'll login here.  Be sure to login to the account you want your status updates to show up as tweets for if you use more than one Twitter account.  Click the blue "Authorize app" button and then wait patiently for Twitter and Facebook to attempt to communicate.

Step 7: Check Your Settings

The connection allows you to choose which types of information you'd like automatically sent over to Twitter.  To adjust this, go back to your fan page, click the "Edit Page" button, go to "Resources" then "Link to Twitter" again and where it shows as linked, click the "Edit Settings" link as shown below.  You can check or uncheck boxes and then click "Save Changes."

Step 8: Test & Confirm

Now you get to test and confirm that you're all set.  Post a status update to your Facebook page

Now you work is over. You have successfully add your Facebook Page with Twitter Account. That's it!  If it worked, you're all done.  If not, go back and double check the steps above to see what's missing and try again. I hope this tutorial will help you linking your Facebook fan page to twitter. Feel free to ask any question in comment box.
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